Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Top 6 Flowers That Are Must For Indian Wedding Decorations

Indian weddings have always been elaborate affairs that call for lavish and majestic decorations. Since times untraceable these decorations have been accomplished with flowers. Flowers are considered to be natural elements that symbolize purity, beauty, auspiciousness and good luck. All these indications make natural fresh flowers the best items that can be used for wedding decorations.

Different types of decoration patterns are used and applied in different parts of the world. People from varied regions of the nation prefer flowers and decoration patterns of various types. Hence you can see different types of flowers being used in the marriage decorations of different communities.

Some Popular Flowers Used For Marriage Decorations
Although you can see that different types of flowers are used for flower decorations for weddings there are some really popular choices of fresh blossoms that are used for decorating marriage and wedding venue. Let us take a look at some of these popular varieties

1. Roses – The queen of flowers is probably one of the most popular flowers that are used for decorating marriage and wedding venues. There is probably no other parallel in terms of beauty, glamour, and fragrance that match the aura of roses. There are a large number of varieties of roses that offers you vibrant hues, fascinating fragrances and an overall charisma that adds to the beauty of the occasion. Roses have been used for wedding backdrop decoration for a long time now, however, the current beautification and decorative patterns have undergone a huge change. The recent designs and patterns are unique and stylish with a touch of traditionalism.

flower decoration

2. Marigold – Marigold is the other popular choice that is used for decorating wedding venues. Marigold as a flower sports a vibrant yellow or orange color. These are the colors that radiate good luck and opulence and hence are welcome choices for wedding decorations.

3. Tuberose – Tuberose is a flower that offers a fascinating fragrance that gets stronger as the evening progresses. Tuberoses are often popularly known as the queen of night time. Their spotless white color promises a future that will be pure and pristine and marked with never-ending happiness.

Marriage Decoration

4. Orchid – These tropical flowers are the popular choices of wedding decorations in the contemporary times. You can find a large variety of colors amongst orchids and hence they can offer you a lot of different choices of themes. Orchids reflect style and class and are popularly chosen for contemporary wedding flower themes.

5. Fresh Lilies – Fresh lilies are the other popular choice of flowers that can be used for flower decoration at the wedding venue. These lowers are the popular choices of flower decorators especially for occasions that are organized during the daytime.

flower decoration Bangalore

6. Jasmine – The jasmine is a small white flower which has a very alluring smell. This sweet smelling flower is the popular choice for many brides for their own dressing up. They are preferred for their rich sweet fragrances.

The choice of flower for wedding decoration will depend to a great extent on the bride and the groom and the kind of theme that they would like to have for their ceremony. However, each of the above-mentioned kind comes with their own specialty.

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